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Technical Degree in Gastronomy and Restaurant Service

Get two diplomas in three years. Become a professional in the kitchen and restaurant service!

If you have always dreamed of becoming a chef, maitre or sommelier and you are passionate about everything related to culinary arts and restaurants, this is your place. With the Technical Degree in Gastronomy and Restaurant Service you will learn by doing from minute 1 to become the professional you have always wanted to be.


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3 years



Choose the academic program that suits best with your previous studies

Two diplomas

The Technical Degree in Gastronomy and Restaurant Service is a double-degree authorized by the Gorvernment of Catalonia. Here you will not have to choose: with three years of studies you will get a double diploma: kitchen and gastronomy and restaurant service.

This will allow you to be a versatile professional and master all aspects of a kitchen and a restaurant, two areas that are inseparable.

And if what you like is hands-on learning, you're in luck! With these studies you will learning by doing from the first day in a Hotel School open to the public. Get ready to immerse yourself in a professional kitchen and to serve the restaurant's customers!

Career opportunities

With the Technical Degree in Gastronomy and Restaurant Service you will have many professional opportunities. It is one of the advantages of studying a double degree in gastronomy and restaurant service. Are you curious? Take note! These are some of the professions that you can develop once you finish your studies.

Culinary arts and Gastronomy

  • Chef: You can be part of the kitchen team of a restaurant and become a chef. You can even start your own restaurant, and who knows, work together with the best chefs in the country.
  • Chef de partie:Would you like to lead the cold food section, the meat section or the dessert area? With the Technical Degree in Gastronomy and Restaurant Service you will have the tools to be the chef de partie in a kitchen, just below the chef and the sous chef. And who says that tomorrow you can't reach the top?
  • Pastry chef : The sweetest chef. As a pastry chef, you will have the responsibility of coordinating and supervising the elaboration of products related to pastry: bread, cakes, pastries and a long etcetera.
  • Entrepreneur: If at the end of your studies you want to start your own kitchen, catering or restaurant business, go ahead! You will have acquired the necessary knowledge to start your own professional project.

Restaurant Service

  • Maître: As a maitre, you will be the person in charge of everything that happens in the dining room of a restaurant. You will lead the restaurant team, coordinate it and ensure a good connection between kitchen and restaurant. Do you accept the challenge?
  • Restaurant manager: You will not only supervise the correct operation of the restaurant and the kitchen, but you will also be in charge of orders, reservations, gastronomic offer and a long etcetera.
  • Sommelier: The restaurant's greatest wine expert. In addition to advising diners on the best wine to pair with food, you will also be in charge of selecting the wines for the restaurant and ensuring that they are properly stored and preserved. Without forgetting the task of transferring your passion and knowledge about wines to the restaurant team and, of course, to the customers.
  • Entrepreneur: Don't forget the possibility of setting up your own restaurant. Having your own professional project is a professional opportunity as much valuable as working for someone else. We give you the necessary knowledge and you decide what you want to be once you finish your studies.

Study plan

The study plan of this program includes theoretical and practical classes and professional visits to restaurants, suppliers, wholesalers and research centers, among others. Everything to get a 360º vision of a restaurant and culinary arts business.

Cooking techniques, food preparation and preservation, culinary techniques, safety and hygiene in the handling of food, wine and its service or desserts in restaurants are some of the topics that you will deal with in the Technical Degree.

Do you know the best? A part from learning the theory, every day you will put into practice the knowledge acquired in front of real clients. This is what we call learning by doing.


To become a prestigious chef or one of the best maîtres, it is essential that you master the language of the gastronomy: French! It will be very useful to understand the origin of words and the slang that you will use in your day to day.

In addition, you can also add one more language to your CV: English. After three years of studies, you will enter the labor market with a minimum of two languages plus those that you decide to learn on your own.

Learn by doing in a Hotel-School

Choose a highly practical studies

In addition to the theoretical subjects, during the Technical Degree in Gastronomy and Restaurant Service you will carry out daily internships in our Hotel-School facilities.

For example, in the bar you will learn how to serve different types of coffee, cocktails and mixed drinks. In the kitchen, you will be part of the teams of the different sections and you will be in charge of preparing the dishes for the restaurant and the self-service service. And in the restaurant, you will serve customers who want to enjoy the different gastronomic offers: tasting menu, daily menu or banquets.

You will not do it alone: you will share the internships with your classmates and with students of higher courses who will guide and help you. In addition, each year you will have a position of greater responsibility until you become maître and chef de partie. Of course, always under the supervision of the teachers.

Summer internships

And there is still more! During the summer you will do professional internships in prestigious restaurants and kitchens around the world. Can you imagine being able to be in the kitchen side by side with the chef who inspires you the most? Or be part of the restaurant of your dreams?

The internship itinerary will allow you not only to apply all the knowledge acquired, but it will also be essential to gain experience and professionalism.

Job placement rate

Benefit from a unique and exclusive model: the PDD

In the third year of your studies, you will participate in the Professional Development Days, a meeting with human resources representatives of hotel chains and restaurants of international scope. In the PDD you will carry out personalized interviews and you will receive different offers from which you can choose your professional destination.

Can you imagine a best way to finish your studies than the guarantee of having a final internship in a restaurant or kitchen of the highest level?


Once you successfully complete your studies, you will get the Diploma of Technical Degree in Gastronomy and Restaurant Service awarded by the Sant Pol de Mar institution.

In addition, you will also obtain the Diploma in Culinary arts and Gastronomy and the Diploma in Restaurant Service, both awarded by the Government of Catalonia.


The teaching staff that will accompany you throughout this academic program is made up of expert teachers in the different subjects that are taught both at a theoretical and practical level, together with professionals active in the industry.

Consultants, restaurant managers and prestigious chefs participate in seminars or master classes and complete the teaching staff of the Technician Degree in Gastronomy and Restaurant Service.

Access requirements

You can access the Technical Degree in Gastronomy and Restaurant Service if you meet any of the following requirements:

  • Finish Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain (ESO).
  • Having passed the specific course to access the techcnical degrees.
  • Have passed the second year of the Unified and Polyvalent Baccalaureate (BUP) or have other equivalent studies for academic purposes.
  • Have passed the compulsory modules of an initial professional qualification program (PQPI).
  • Have passed the university entrance exam for those over 25 years old.
  • Have a degree to access a higher degree training cycle, access test to the CFGM.

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