JDP: Leading sector companies recruit EUHT StPOL students
13 January, 2014The Catalonia Young Kitchen Contest
19 March, 2014As every year, the EUHT StPOL has been the host of this veteran competition, this year edition has been celebrated. the 31st
The Catalonia Young Cocktail Competition joins students of different tourism&hotel schools of Catalonia. This year, the schools participating have been: Centre d’Estudis d’Hosteleria i Turisme CETT, Escola Superior d’Hostaleria de Barcelona ESHOB, la Escola d’Hosteleria i Turisme de Girona, l’Institut Bisbe Sivilla de Calella, l’Escola Joviat de Manresa, L’escola d’Hoteleria i Turisme de Lleida and the EUHT StPOL as a host.
The Catalan Young Cocktail Competition has the following characteristics: there are no money awards; the aim of this competition is to suggest to the students an attitude/interest to define a professional career in the service area. Nowadays this is a successful area, frequently asked by Hotel companies and commercial restaurants.
The competition, every year remembers two important Catalan Barmen, this is done though the customization of two of the awards given: the award “Josep Mª Gotarda to the skills and ability”, and the award “Manuel Villalante to the best total scoring”.
All the participants in the competition have gained a Diploma; it has been delivered by the jury members. This jury has been formed by the following members:
Mr. Josep M. Gotarda Jr. – Skills jury President
Mr. Tony Vilanova – Taste jury President.
Mr. José Roldán –Catalan Sommeliers Association.
Ms. Nan Ferreres –CETT Director.
Mr. Iñaki Gorostiaga – Escola Superior d’Hostaleria de Barcelona Director.
Mr. Ramon Serra –EUHT StPOL President.
Once all the demonstrations have been finished , the awards have been given:
– Award “Manuel Villalante”, to the participant with best total score:
Golden Gate, Marcello Buratti cocktail, EUHT StPOL.
– Award “Barman especial club”, to the second best classification:
Sol i Terra, Albert Ribas Correa cocktail, CEET.
– Award “Grup SERHS” to the best merchandising coktail:
Els 5 sentits de l’Ametlla, Isaac Argelich cocktail, Escola Joviat de Manresa.
– Award “Associació Catalana de Sommeliers” to the best taste score from the taste jury:
Lambic del Bages: Els sabors d’un territori, Adrià Martínez coktail, Escola Joviat de Manresa.
– Award “Josep Maria Gotarda”, to the skill and ability:
Sylvie, Jangsup Yi coktail, EUHT StPOL.
From EUHT StPOL we would like to thanks to all participants their collaboration and we want to say congratulations to the winners.
To see the pictures from the Final competition , please click here: https://on.fb.me/1eb0aZ5
Flickr EUHT StPOL: https://bit.ly/1c6k9Zc