15 December, 2021
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- alumni
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- News Home|Noticias EUHT StPOL
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- Noticias
- noticias EUHT StPOL
- noticias home
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- Noticias Sector
- Noticias|Noticias EUHT StPOL
- Notícies
- notícies EUHT StPOL
- notícies home
- Notícies Inici
- Uncategorized
- Todas
- 1957
- 1976
- 1977
- 2046
- 2049
- 2050
- 2441
- 2513
- 3912
- 3937
- 3980
- 4010
- 4023
- 4046
- 4178
- 4188
- 4189
- 4190
- 4211
- 4259
- 4260
- 4262
- 4277
- 4312
- 4313
- 4314
- 4334
- 4336
- 4373
- 4691
- 4692
- 4756
- 4757
- 4758
- 4759
- 4760
- 4761
- 4762
- 5-star hotel
- 50 best restaurants
- 5135
- 5142
- 5145
- 5146
- 5147
- 5148
- 5149
- 5150
- 5151
- 5152
- 5153
- 5154
- 5155
- 5156
- 5163
- 5286
- 5291
- 5294
- 5295
- 5296
- 5309
- 5310
- 5311
- 5312
- 5313
- 5314
- 5350
- 5351
- 5352
- 5354
- 5358
- 5359
- 5366
- 5380
- 5420
- 5421
- 5422
- 5423
- 5424
- 5425
- 5426
- 5427
- 5428
- 5429
- 5430
- 5514
- 5517
- 5602
- 5603
- 5604
- 5607
- 5609
- 5614
- 5617
- 5673
- 5674
- 5675
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- 5688
- 5689
- 5690
- 5691
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- 5696
- 5700
- 5803
- 5813
- 5814
- 5815
- 5816
- 5817
- 5818
- 5819
- 5823
- 6126
- 6127
- 6128
- 6129
- 6130
- 6131
- 6132
- 6133
- 6134
- 6367
- 6368
- 6369
- 6370
- 6371
- 6427
- 6428
- 6441
- 6445
- 6448
- 6453
- 6454
- 6455
- 6456
- 6457
- 6458
- 6459
- 6460
- 6461
- 6462
- 6791
- 6792
- 6793
- 6794
- 6795
- 6796
- 6797
- 6798
- 6799
- 6800
- 6801
- 6802
- 6803
- 6804
- 6805
- 6806
- 6807
- 6808
- 6809
- 6810
- 6811
- 6812
- 7110
- 7111
- 7112
- 7113
- 7114
- 7115
- 7116
- 7117
- 7118
- 7119
- 7120
- 7121
- 7122
- 7123
- 7124
- 7125
- 7126
- 7127
- 7128
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- 7131
- 7132
- 7257
- 7258
- 7259
- 7260
- 7261
- 7262
- 7263
- 7264
- 7265
- 7421
- 7445
- 7446
- 7447
- 7448
- 7449
- 7450
- 7451
- 7452
- 7453
- 7482
- 7517
- 7524
- 7525
- 7526
- 7527
- 7528
- 7529
- 7530
- 7531
- 7532
- 7533
- 7626
- 7627
- 7628
- 7629
- 7630
- 7631
- 7644
- 7645
- 7744
- 7745
- 7746
- 7747
- 7748
- 7799
- 7800
- 7801
- 7802
- 7803
- 7804
- 7805
- 7811
- 7849
- 7850
- 7851
- 7852
- 7853
- 7854
- 7855
- 7856
- 7870
- 7871
- 7872
- 8034
- 8035
- 8036
- 8037
- 8038
- 8039
- 8040
- 8108
- 8120
- 8121
- 8122
- 8123
- 8124
- 8125
- 8126
- 8263
- 8264
- 8265
- 8650
- 8651
- 8652
- 8653
- 8654
- 8655
- 8656
- 8657
- 8658
- 8659
- 8782
- 8783
- 8784
- 8785
- 8786
- 8787
- 8915
- 8916
- 8917
- 8918
- 8919
- 8920
- 8921
- 8922
- 8938
- 8940
- 8950
- 8952
- 9039
- 9040
- 9041
- 9042
- 9043
- 9044
- 9045
- 9046
- 9047
- 9048
- 9049
- academic year
- acte de graduació
- acto de graduación
- Albé
- alimentación
- alimentos dieta mediterránea
- alimentos y bebidas
- alta cocina
- Alumni
- alumni EUHT StPOL
- Âme
- andoni luiz aduriz
- antiguo alumno EUHT StPOL
- Antiguos Alumnos EUHT StPOL
- artes culinarias
- bachelor degree
- bachelor degree in hospitality management
- bachelor's degree
- Bachelor's thesis
- bar
- Barcelona
- Barcelona
- barcelona activa
- Barcelona|cuina|direcció hotelera|grau universitari|master|TFM|Treball Final de Grau
- bartending
- best chef
- best chefs in the world
- best restaurant
- best Spanish chefs
- best spanish university in Hospitality
- best spanish university tourism
- best university in Spain in Hospitality
- best university in Spain of hospitality management
- best young chef
- better 2021
- bikini
- blue monday
- Bo.Tic
- bufet del mundo
- cadenas hoteleras
- career plan
- Carl Rohde
- Carme Ruscalleda
- carpaccio
- cartas
- Catalonia Young Cooking Contest
- Catalonia Youth Cocktail Competition
- Celler de Can Roca
- charity dinner
- chef
- chef
- chef's menu
- chefs
- chefs españoles
- chefs estrella Michelin
- ciclo formativo de cocina
- ciclo formativo de grado medio en cocina y gastronomía
- cine
- cisne negro
- classic recipes
- classification
- coach vocacional
- cocina
- cocina hermanos torres
- cocina saludable
- cocktail
- cocktail
- Cocktelery
- cocteleria
- cocteleria
- collaboration agreement
- comida healthy
- common issues
- communication
- competition
- concept
- concurs cocteleria jove catalunya
- concurs cuina
- Concurs Cuina Jove de Catalunya
- Concurs de Cuina Jove de Catalunya
- concurso coctelería
- concurso cocteleria joven
- conference
- congreso EUHOFA
- contest
- contract
- contrato
- contrato laboral
- cooker
- cooking
- cooking contest
- coolhunting hospitality trends
- coronavirus
- coronavirus
- covid-19
- covid-19
- coworking
- creativity
- cuina
- cuina de proximitat
- cuiner jove
- cuisine
- culinary arts
- culinary management techniques
- culinary techniques
- cursos verano
- dabiz muñoz
- dark kitchens
- degustation
- Delegation
- delivery
- demonstration
- demonstration session
- department manager
- día del libro
- día mundial turismo
- dieta mediterránea
- differences
- diploma
- direcció hotelera
- dirección cocina
- Dirección de Cocina
- dirección hotelera
- dirección hotelera
- directivo hotel
- Disfrutar Restaurant
- Doble ciclo formativo
- economic support
- elegir carrera universitaria
- enoteca
- Enrique Aranda
- ensalada césar
- entrecot café de parís
- entrepreneurship spirit
- entrevistas
- Erasmus
- Erasmus
- estrellas Michelin
- estudiar dirección hotelera
- euht stpol alumni
- EUHT StPOL internships
- Europe
- European Region of Gastronomy
- european regions
- European Young Chef Award
- Europena Regions of Gastronomy
- eventos
- events
- examination board
- experience
- F&B
- F&B
- feliz 2021
- ferran adrià
- fetuccine alfredo
- Fina Puigdevall
- find a job
- Finland
- food
- food and beverage
- food and beverage internship
- food photography
- food styling
- foodie
- former students EUHT StPOL
- former students EUTH StPOL
- future
- future hospitalities
- gamejam
- gamification
- garden
- gastornomy
- gastronomía
- gastronomía
- Gastronomic Fair
- gastronomy
- Gastronomy University Meeting
- gastronony
- general manager hotel
- gestió hotelera y turística
- gestión hotelera
- Gestión Hotelera y Turística
- gestión restaurantes
- Girona Fair
- grado gestión hotelera
- grado medio
- Grado Universitario en Gestión Hotelera y Turística
- Grado universitario Gestión Hotelera y Turística
- graduació
- graduación
- graduación 2020/2021
- graduation
- Graduation Ceremony
- grau gestió hotelera i turística
- grau oficial
- Gremi d'Hostaleria del Maresme
- grupo ibersol
- guía michelin
- guía michelin
- Guía Repsol
- happy 2021
- hard skills
- Head Cheff
- healthy
- healthy cooking
- healthy food
- Hermanos Torres
- highschool
- historia hotelería
- historia hoteles
- historia recetas
- Horeca
- hospitalidad
- Hospitality
- Hospitality
- Hospitality
- Hospitality and Leisure Management
- hospitality in property management
- hospitality industry
- hospitality management
- hospitality management
- hospitality management and tourism sector
- hospitality manager
- hostelería
- hosts
- hotel
- hotel
- hotel
- hotel arts barcelona
- hotel chains
- hotel gran sol
- hotel management
- hotel manager
- hotel salut
- Hotel Schools of Distinction
- hotel sofia barcelona
- Hotel-Escola de Sant Pol de Mar
- hotel-escuela
- Hotel-Escuela de Sant Pol de Mar
- Hotel-Escuela Sant Pol de Mar
- hotel-resort
- Hotel-School
- Hotel-School of Sant Pol de Mar
- hotelería
- hotelería
- hoteles
- hoteles
- hoteles de lujo
- Hotelschool
- IHG partnership
- incorporación laboral
- infography
- innovación
- innovation
- inserción laboral
- inserción profesional
- intercambio estudiantes
- internacionalization
- international
- internationality
- internship
- internship in michelin star restaurant
- internships
- intership
- interview
- interviews
- Ivo Güell
- Javier and Sergio Torres
- joan roca
- job
- job market incorporation
- job opportunities
- job placement
- jordi martí
- Jornadas de Desarrollo Profesional
- jornadas desarrollo profesional
- josep maria gotarda
- jove cuiner
- jóvenes hoteleros
- jury
- kitchen
- kitchen garden
- kitchen management
- Kitchen Managment
- Latin America 50 Best Restaurants
- leadership
- learning by doing
- Les Cols restaurant
- libro
- libros cocina
- libros gastronomía
- libros hotelería
- list
- literatura
- llaves michelin
- lluis serra
- luxury hotel
- maitre
- malta
- mandarin oriental barcelona
- mario castrellón
- marugal
- máster
- master artes culinarias
- máster artes culinarias y dirección de cocina
- master culinary arts innovation & kitchen management
- máster en artes culinarias y dirección de cocina
- master en artesculinarias innovación y dirección de cocina
- Master Hospitality Management
- master in culinary arts
- master in culinary arts & kitchen management
- master in culinary arts an kitchen management
- Master in Culinary Arts and Kitchen Management
- master in culinary arts innovation & kitchen management
- master in hospitality management
- master in hospitality management
- master's degree
- master's thesis
- masterclass
- masterclass
- masterclass cocina
- matio
- mauro rodríguez
- mediterranean diet
- meetings
- mejor 2021
- mejor restaurante
- mejor restaurante verduras del mundo
- mejor universidad España hotelería
- mejor universidad hotelería España
- mejor universidad turismo
- mejores chefs del mundo
- mejores restaurantes del mundo
- mejores restaurantes latinoamérica
- mercado laboral
- MICE tourism
- michelin
- michelin guide
- michelin star
- michelin star restaurant
- michelin star restaurants
- michelin starred restaurants
- michelin stars
- michelin-starred restaurant
- millor universitat espanya
- millor universitat hoteleria
- Miquel Antoja
- mireia anglada
- mobility agreement
- molecular cuisine
- movies
- nacionalities
- nando jubany
- nationalities
- navidad
- noticias
- Olympic spirit
- Olympics
- online
- online lessons
- opportunity
- organic products
- organized restaurant business
- orientación educativa
- orientación universitaria
- Oriol Castro
- paco perez
- panda gay
- paolo casagrande
- partie
- pastisserie
- patatas maxim's
- patatas maxim’s
- pavlova
- pdd
- pel·lícules
- películas
- pere monje
- personal brading
- personal de sala
- podcasts
- potato wafle
- practicas
- practicas de verano
- prácticas dirección hotel
- prácticas EUHT StPOL
- prácticas hotel
- prácticas verano
- primer hotel con electricidad y teléfono
- primer hotel espacio
- primera cadena hotelera internacional
- prize
- profesional de sala
- professional
- professional career
- Professional Development Days
- professional image
- professional opportunities
- QS ranking
- QS World University rankings
- qué estudiar
- R+D
- Ranking QS
- raúl gisbert
- reapertura restaurante
- recetas
- recipes
- recruit
- recruitment
- René Redzepi
- reputation
- reservations
- resort
- restauración
- restaurant
- restaurant management
- restaurant moments
- restaurant service
- restaurant via veneto
- restaurante
- restaurante Albé
- Restaurante Compartir
- Restaurante Disfrutar
- restaurante Les Cols
- restaurante michelin
- restaurante sostenible
- restaurantes
- restaurantes con estrella Michelin
- restaurantes estrellas michelin
- restaurants
- restaurates
- restoration
- rural tourism
- S. Pellegrion Young Chef
- salsa café de parís
- sandwich
- sandwich bikini
- Sant Pol de Mar
- Sant Pol de Mar
- scholarship
- school performance
- science and cooking
- seafood from scotland
- sector hotelero
- Serious games
- servicio de sala
- significado hospitality
- skills
- slow food
- soft skills
- Sol Repsol
- soles repsol
- solidarity
- solomillo wellington
- sostenibilidad
- spanish chefs
- StPol Alumni
- StPOLAlumni
- strogonoff
- student residence
- students
- study
- study hospitality
- study hospitality in Spain
- subjects
- summer
- Summer Course
- summer internhsips
- summer internship
- summer intership
- sustainability
- sustainable
- sustainable restaurant
- take away
- talento
- tarta sacher
- tarta tatin
- tasting
- taula gironina de turisme
- team
- teamwork
- Techinical Degree in Kitchen and Gastronomy and Restaurant Service
- Technical Degree in Gastronomy and Restaurant Service
- Technical Degree in Kitchen and Gastronomy and Restaurant Service
- technology
- ted talks
- teleworking
- tendencias
- tendències
- The Best Chef Awards
- The Fork Manager
- The World's 50 Best
- The World's 50 Best Restaurants
- to hire
- tool
- tourism
- tourism industry
- tourism management
- Tourism Museum
- tournedó rossini
- trabajo
- travel
- trends
- trends in hospitality
- turisme
- Turísmo
- Turistic Promotion "Costa del Maresme" Consortium
- two-michelin star restaurant
- UAGM Puerto Rico
- unique hotels
- universidad
- universities
- university
- University College of Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts
- University College of Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts of Sant Pol de Mar
- University Conference on Gastronomy
- University School of Hospitality and Tourism
- Via Veneto
- vocation
- vocational training
- volunteer
- webinar
- welcome
- workation
- workshops
- world
- World Buffet
- World Tourism Day
- World University Ranking
- world's 50 best restaurants
- world’s 50 best restaurants
- xavier pellicer
- yellow day
- yeray zurita
- young
- Young Cooking Contest
- young hoteliers
- Young Hoteliers Summit
- young people
15 December, 2020